Our first activity in Moscow was to attend our nephew Basil's pre-school Fall Ball, and song and dance extravaganza! Baz was a star!
Veda and I waited anxiously for the entertainment to begin!
Basil sings The Itsy Bitsy Spider song with feeling!
Basil and his classmates are peering through their binoculars during the Dracula hunting song.
Basil singing the monkey-alligator song. We're at the crucial moment where the alligator snatches the monkey right out of that tree!
Photographic proof that Zaur boys can still be silly!
A partial family portrait! Veda is going to be taller than me soon, and I'm researching the law about niece height relative to aunt height!
We met Veda for lunch and went to a cool pizza place. Ian ordered garlic bread, and boy did they deliver! They felt bad about the wait we'd had and gave us an entire pizza pan instead of just our order. It made good leftovers!
Our first attempt at a (partial) family portrait didn't go so well. After lengthy discussions, we agreed to try again...
And we managed a much more amicable version of the same pose. We like each other, really.
Basil and Paige! Basil had just added a rock to the top of that cairn and agreed (barely!) to have his photo taken.
Basil on a rock!
Steptoe Butte as seen from Kamiak Butte. Steptoe Butte is a spur of Columbia Basalt that survived all the geologic upheaval in the region. It is around 15 million years old and is surrounded by the Palouse (from the French "le pelouse" or lawn) and its many layers of more recent rock and soil deposits. According to the information at the top, on very clear days you can see the Cascades of western/ central Oregon and Washington.
The top of Steptoe Butte is a handy place to plant a bunch of cell phone towers. There's no beauty that can't be lessened by function....
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