Family portrait taken by kind strangers who thought we were related to the trees on top of Proposal Rock. Oh well.
Chris and Ian and families (minus Guita, Hugo, and Sammy). Notice how Atty is making me look short on purpose. These punk nephews are getting out of hand!
Molly and Ian - too cute!
Three generations of Zaurs!
Here's the Idaho bunch in a family portrait!
Baz is quite possibly the second cutest non-stump. See below for the cutest.
Here's Ian, the world's cutest non-stump! Note the reflection - the water was stunning that morning!
Looking roughly north from the southern extreme of the beach towards Proposal Rock. The mist was such that it was difficult to distinguish people from stumps!
Three seagulls, sitting on the stumps.
The flock of seagulls didn't move much, but it wasn't petrified.
The stump and the cliff behind it reflected in the still water. It was really lovely with the mist!
Stumps in the tidal waters.
The petrified bark of an ancient tree. This was the smallest stump I saw.
Here's the wood grain preserved in petrification.
Wildlife! Some of the stumps were covered in barnacles, anemones, urchins, and mussels, and some were nearly bare.
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