Guita is a happy little dog when she takes us for walks!
JoJo - what a sweetheart!
Isabella the basset poses for her picture. She's so pretty!
Lola vamps for the camera...
And braces herself for the sister-smooch!
Portrait of our new neighbor, Mike. He's on his way to becoming a BFF!
Guita in action!
Isabella the basset in action! Lola the basset was also on the walk, but I missed getting a good action shot of her. Next time!
JoJo in action! Look at that blurry corgi speed!
Action shot of the people as well. After all, some of Guita's best BFFs are people!
Bassets on parade. Stop pulling, silly girls!!
Guita thought hard about chasing squirrels today, but none caught her fancy.
JoJo the corgi in off-road mode. The hill was steep for her little legs, but she's plucky!
The roof of the ex-monastery. We've never gone in to learn the history because the site is not dog-friendly, and we've never bothered going without our baby!
Detail from the plaza in front of the monastery.
The ex-monastery has working aquaducts that feed a water system below the buildings.
Nature shots: this is not how people think of Mexico City - even those people who live here!
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